

How to import data into Simple CRM?

Simple CRM offers 3 data import modules.

1) Companies
If you want to import companies only, use the import companies module : menu up -> Admin, then click on the "Import data" tab. Click on the button "Import a company file in CSV format", and follow the procedure indicated.

2) Contacts
If you want to import contacts only, use the import contacts module : menu up -> Admin, then click on the "Import data" tab. Click on the button "Import a contact file in CSV format", and follow the operating mode indicated.

3) Contacts and related companies
This module allows to import contacts and companies at the same time. In this way, each imported contact will be automatically linked to his company, and the contact details (email, phone) will be imported into the contact's professional details.

To do this, use the import module for contacts and related companies: menu up -> Admin, then click on the "Import data" tab. Click on the button "Import a file of companies and related contacts, in CSV format", and follow the operating mode indicated.

The Simple CRM FAQ explains in detail how this import works:

Each import module integrates:

a preview of the imported data, allowing you to check, before the actual import, that your data file is formatted correctly,

a search of contacts in your Simple CRM database from the email address, to avoid the creation of duplicates,

a search of companies in your Simple CRM database from the VAT number or the SIRET number, to avoid the creation of duplicates.

We can also import your data for you. In this way, your data will be checked and imported on a test space, before being imported into your Simple CRM database.
To obtain an import quote, please send an email to, attaching your data file.

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