

What are the Simple CRM Desktop graphics for?

Managing your time and that of your employees well is the major challenge for any company, because time is the raw material of every worker.

Analytical CRM will allow you to evaluate if an employee is overworked or underworked.

This evaluation will allow you, during project meetings or planning management, to have a directional dialogue, focused on the reasons for successes or failures (failures should be seen as a positive experience because you will implement, together, solutions, to help the employee to work better, to be less stressed).

Example in Simple CRM: you see clearly in the Simple CRM Desktop space, the balance between Open (= Not started = Red), Finished (= Finished = Green) and In progress (= YELLOW) tasks at D-14 and D+14 (14 days in the past and 14 days in the future).

In this pie chart, Simple CRM clearly indicates that this employee has too few scheduled tasks, since his Open Task Index is low. It can therefore be inferred that this employee could increase in power and be assigned more responsibility/work.

Second view proposed by Simple CRM, the distribution of work based on the nature of work. We can see here that this employee (who is a salesperson) is assigned tasks that have nothing to do with the nature of his position. A seller has an added value to sell. Here, we see that this added value is not put to sufficient use since it is assigned tasks of delivery, project implementation, etc.. Simple CRM shows you here that it could be interesting to review the division of tasks in order to optimize your work processes based on everyone's talents.

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