

What can the TRENDS search engine be used for in Simple CRM?

Sometimes you ask yourself, "Should we market service X or service Y? ».

These choices are often defined on the basis of an informative and competitive watch that is carried out throughout the year, as well as perhaps by market studies.

At the time of the final decision, the conclusions of these watches are not sufficient. It is also necessary to integrate trends in search on the web, search engine results, trends on blogs, in the media, social networks, but also in the professional developments of potential users, patent filings, etc..

This is what TRENDS allows.

TRENDS, following your requests, will provide you with results links that allow you to explore these trends through different websites and search engines.

TRENDS is, in a sense, a search aggregator, allowing you to better find, capture more information and save a lot of time in your product/market research and positioning processes.

TRENDS will indeed look for information "elsewhere", outside my usual watch space. So it broadens my ability to listen.

Simple CRM allows you through TRANDS to better measure market trends.

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