

What should I prepare for my DGMP training?

In order for the Simple CRM consultant to accompany you in the implementation of your RGPD policy, you must first appoint an RGPD manager, as explained at: Then this RGPD manager, will go to the RGPD module of Simple CRM and complete the first 5 tabulations: Once this is done, your RGPD manager will go to the "6. Report RGPD" and create a PDF of this report that he will send to sales(at) To create a PDF from this report, simply click on the "Print" button in this report and select your PDF printer. If you do not have a PDF printer, you can get one for free at: Attention: it is essential that you send this report in PDF format to our teams, at the latest 3 working days before the date of your training, so that the advisor can analyse your policy and draft his advice report.

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