

What do green - yellow and red roads mean in Simple CRM geolocation?

Your online CRM software integrates traffic information into its geolocation.

The roads in green are clear, those in yellow a little blocked and those in red: it is really blocked!

There are companies missing from the list, what's going on?

By default, the list of companies (and contacts) is filtered by letter of the alphabet.

To see all companies, click on "All" at the top right of the list of companies.

The agenda doesn't work, all my interactions are at the top of the day

The display you get is normal.

The interactions whose "Task" box is checked appear at the top of the agenda. Tasks are interactions that you perform at any time of the day.

Interactions whose "Task" box is not checked appear in the calendar at the start date and time of the interaction. These are "Rendez-vous" interactions.

To make the interactions appear at the right time in the calendar, uncheck the "Task" box for each interaction concerned (see screenshot below).

Simple CRM is strange in my Firefox

This means that your online CRM software has been updated.

You need to clear your web browser's cache for it to work properly again.

Simple CRM 7.0 : new graphical interface

Simple CRM 7.0 offers you a new interface.

This new interface has been built so that you will find the components of your CRM software in exactly the same place.

In order to facilitate the transition, here is a mapping table of the graphical interfaces.

Simple CRM Menu

Application Launcher Menu and Shortcuts Menu

Moving the left tool menu
The items in the left menu have been placed in the application launcher (top left button).

For the print function, use the keyboard shortcuts:
Windows: CTRL + p
Mac: APPLE + p

Reminder of the list of keyboard shortcuts on:

Sales report over several months and/or several years

Simple CRM, allows from its BI / report module, to compare your sales results over several months and/or several years, while specifying the user (therefore the salesperson) and/or the subject of the sales opportunity (therefore the type / range of product). A graphical and tabular summary report appears. To do this, go to the application launcher, launch a report and click on the buttons as in the interactive image below :

RGPD and traceability of data changes

RGPD 2018, or European Data Protection Regulation, is mandatory for all companies engaging with European citizens, under penalty of a fine of 4% of annual turnover. RGPD DEFINITION.

RGPD requires a history (or traceability) of the data and their modification.

Simple CRM, provides this function of CRM RGPD, via the history button present in each contact form: