Here are the key combinations (attention under MAC it is necessary to add the CTRL key before the ALT key):
- Office = ALT b
- Contact = ALT c
- Company = ALT s
- Interaction = ALT i
- Project = ALT p
- Research = ALT l
- Document = ALT o
- Query = ALT r
- Analytical = ALT a
- Admin = ALT m
- Support = ALT h
- Quit = ALT q
- Save = ALT x
- Application launcher = ALT w
- Search for a term in the page displayed = CTRL f
- Print page = CTRL p
- Zoom in = CTRL +
- Zoom out = CTRL -
- Go back = ALT left arrow
- Full screen mode = F11 key (same as exiting full screen)
- Open a file in another window = mouse wheel click
- COPY (Windows) = CTRL c
- COPY (Mac) = APPLE c
- Paste (Windows) = CTRL v
- COLLER (Mac) = APPLE v
- ALL SELECT (Windows) = CTRL a
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